Children In Chester County Now Have A New Choice!

Valley Forge Classical Academy is a new type of charter school. We are grounded in the principles of classical American education.

What is Classical American education? It is an educational approach that has been in use in the United States since the early days of the country. It is a method of education that emphasizes the study of classical languages, literature, philosophy, and history. The goal of classical American education is to create students who are knowledgeable, articulate, and capable of critical thinking. In this blog, we will discuss some of the benefits of classical American education.

  1. Focus on the Liberal Arts

Classical American education focuses on the liberal arts, which include literature, history, philosophy, and the arts. The liberal arts are designed to develop critical thinking skills, effective communication, and a love of learning. By studying the liberal arts, students become well-rounded individuals who are able to think deeply about complex issues and communicate their ideas effectively.

  1. Emphasis on Primary Sources

Classical American education places a strong emphasis on primary sources, such as original documents and texts. By studying primary sources, students are able to develop critical thinking skills and learn to analyze information in context. This approach helps students to understand the historical and cultural context of a particular work and to develop a deeper understanding of the ideas and values it represents.

  1. Development of Strong Writing and Communication Skills

Classical American education places a strong emphasis on writing and communication skills. Students are taught to write well-organized and persuasive essays, to present their ideas in a clear and concise manner, and to engage in respectful and informed discussions with their peers. These skills are essential for success in college, the workplace, and in life.

  1. Exposure to Great Works of Literature

Classical American education exposes students to great works of literature from different cultures and time periods. By studying these works, students develop an appreciation for the beauty of language, the power of storytelling, and the importance of understanding diverse perspectives. They also gain a deeper understanding of the human experience and the values and ideas that have shaped the world.

  1. Preparation for Higher Education

Classical American education prepares students for higher education by teaching them the skills they need to succeed in college and beyond. Students are taught to read critically, to analyze information, to write well, and to communicate effectively. These skills are essential for success in higher education, where students are expected to engage in independent research, critical thinking, and complex problem-solving.

In conclusion, classical American education is an educational approach that emphasizes the liberal arts, primary sources, strong writing and communication skills, exposure to great works of literature, and preparation for higher education. By following this approach, students develop the skills they need to succeed in college, the workplace, and in life. By using Classical American education, Valley Forge Classical Academy creates students who are knowledgeable, articulate, and capable of critical thinking.

Think your child would benefit from this type of educational approach? Click here to contact us and learn more!

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